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Topic: Preventive medicine

Preventive medicine focuses on promoting health, preventing disease, and improving overall well-being through lifestyle interventions, early detection, and targeted healthcare strategies.

More on: Preventive medicine

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of preventive medicine, highlighting its importance in addressing health issues and improving population health outcomes.

The episodes cover topics such as the use of food prescription programs as a preventive measure Can Food Work as Medicine?, the role of preventive medicine in healthcare and the challenges faced by preventive medicine residency programs Dr. Mirza Rahman, President of the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM), and the potential of preventive medicine through full-body MRI scans Scan Startups Want to Show You What's Inside.

Additionally, the episode featuring Dr. Jan Carney Dr. Jan Carney, Associate Dean for Public Health and Health Policy and Professor of Medicine at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont discusses the importance of public health and preventive medicine in addressing health issues.

The episode with Dr. Peter Attia #085 Dr. Peter Attia on Mastering Longevity - Insights on Cancer Prevention, Heart Disease, and Aging takes a comprehensive approach to preventive medicine, covering topics such as cardiovascular disease, cancer prevention, and longevity optimization.

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