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Topic: Priorities

Priorities refer to the things we value most and choose to focus on in our lives.

More on: Priorities

The topic of priorities is central to many of the podcast episodes, as the hosts and guests explore how to effectively manage time and resources by identifying and aligning with one's most important values and goals.

For example, in the episode 'Opportunity cost (E)', Seth Godin discusses the importance of setting intentional priorities for how to invest one's time. Similarly, in 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…', the focus is on reorienting one's priorities and affections around Christ and his kingdom.

Other episodes, such as 'Unlocking the Secret to a Long and Happy Life' and 'Taking Care Of Yourself', examine how shifting priorities and perspectives on what is truly important in life, particularly the emphasis on relationships over material possessions, can lead to greater fulfillment and well-being.

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