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Topic: Prosecutorial overreach

Prosecutorial overreach refers to instances where prosecutors abuse their authority and discretion to target individuals, often for political reasons, rather than upholding the principles of justice and fair application of the law.

More on: Prosecutorial overreach

The podcast episodes highlight concerns about prosecutorial overreach, particularly in high-profile cases against political figures like Donald Trump.

The episodes suggest that the prosecution of Trump is an example of prosecutors intentionally undermining due process and legal standards in order to secure a conviction for political reasons, rather than based on the actual merits of the case.

The episodes draw parallels to other cases, such as the overturned conviction of Harvey Weinstein, to argue that prosecutors are increasingly using their discretion to target individuals for political purposes rather than upholding the rule of law.

The episodes also discuss the potential ramifications of such prosecutorial overreach, including the threat to democratic norms, undermining of public trust in institutions, and the possibility of civil unrest or a constitutional crisis.

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