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Topic: Protests

Protests are collective public actions aimed at voicing grievances, demanding change, or expressing solidarity with a cause.

More on: Protests

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of protest movements and events, from the economic protests in Argentina against President Javier Milei's reforms How is Argentina faring under Javier Milei? to the protests in Kenya over proposed new taxes 9PM ET 06/25/2024 Newscast.

The episodes also explore protests related to the Israel-Gaza conflict, such as the pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses in the US 9 AM ET: Biden at G7 summit, protestors barricade building, transgender swimmer's challenge & more, as well as the protests by Israeli groups against aid convoys to Gaza The Israeli protesters trying to stop food aid getting to Gaza.

Other notable protest coverage includes the Uber driver protests in New York 8PM ET 06/26/2024 Newscast, the protests at the 2024 PGA Championship House Of The Schefflers, and the broader examination of protest tactics and demographics Who Really Protests, and Why?.

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