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Topic: Psychopathy

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, disregard for right and wrong, and an inability to form meaningful relationships.

More on: Psychopathy

The podcast episodes provided explore the concept of psychopathy and its manifestation in various criminal and disturbing cases.

Several episodes delve into the characteristics of psychopathic individuals, such as a lack of remorse, inability to form meaningful bonds, and a desire for power and control. Examples include the case of Ben taking a psychopathy spectrum test, the exploration of psychopathic tendencies in true horror stories, and the analysis of psychopathy in the cases of Victor Paleologos, Joran van der Sloot, Joran van der Sloot, Jane Toppan, and H.H. Holmes.

The episodes also discuss the challenges of understanding and addressing psychopathy, particularly in the context of the criminal justice system, mental health, and victim advocacy.

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