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Topic: PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, leading to persistent intrusive thoughts, emotional distress, and changes in cognition and behavior.

More on: PTSD

The podcast episodes provided discuss PTSD from various perspectives, highlighting the significant impact it can have on individuals and the importance of understanding and addressing this condition.

Several episodes delve into personal experiences with PTSD, such as Bob Parsons' battle with PTSD and his exploration of plant-based treatments, a listener's struggle with PTSD triggers related to a loud friend, and Louise Thompson's harrowing experience with PTSD following a traumatic childbirth.

The episodes also explore PTSD from a broader, clinical standpoint, discussing topics such as cognitive processing therapy for PTSD, the psychological toll on those serving at Guantanamo, and the potential for conquering PTSD through innovative treatments.

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