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Topic: Public trust

Public trust refers to the confidence and credibility that citizens have in institutions, leaders, and information sources.

More on: Public trust

The topic of public trust is central to many of the podcast episodes, as it explores how various factors, including transparency, accountability, and the behavior of institutions and leaders, can erode or build public confidence.

Several episodes, such as Opinionpalooza: The Vanishing Emergency Abortion Decision (Preview), The 'Disdain' of Justice Alito and the Supreme Court, and Big Tech Has Destroyed Public Trust. Can We Fix It Before the Election?, delve into how the actions and perceived biases of public institutions like the Supreme Court and the technology industry have contributed to the erosion of public trust.

Other episodes, such as The Corruption Scandal That Rocked The Navy and Federal Judges Aren't Subject To Workplace Harassment Laws, highlight how misconduct and lack of oversight within government and military institutions can undermine public trust.

The episodes also explore strategies for rebuilding public trust, such as increased transparency, accountability, and community engagement, as discussed in How AI and democracy can fix each other | Divya Siddarth.

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