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Topic: Purpose and Meaning

Finding a sense of purpose and meaning is a fundamental human need that can cultivate well-being and fulfillment.

More on: Purpose and Meaning

The topic of 'Purpose and Meaning' is central to many of the podcast episodes, as the guests grapple with the fundamental question of what gives life meaning and significance.

Several episodes explore how embracing one's mortality and facing existential challenges can lead to a deeper appreciation for living with intention and purpose, such as in How Thinking About Our Death Can Radically Energize Our Life Today with Jodi Wellman and Atul Gawande - On Mortality and Meaning.

Other episodes delve into the search for purpose through spiritual practices, personal growth, and service to others, as seen in EP.188 - CRAZY INSIDE OUT 2 THEORY, KRABBY PATTY SINS THEORY & LUCIFER MUSIC THEORY and Dr. Jenny Taitz on How You Live Bigger for True Fulfillment EP 458.

The podcast also explores how finding meaning and purpose can be challenged by modern societal pressures, as discussed in E85 - Alex O'Connor: Philosopher Reflects On Death, Atheism, Morality & Meaning and Why Everyone's Social Skills Are Getting Worse (ft. David Brooks).

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