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Topic: Quantum entanglement

Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which two or more quantum particles become inextricably linked, exhibiting correlated behavior even when separated by large distances.

More on: Quantum entanglement

The concept of quantum entanglement is a recurring theme across multiple podcast episodes, with several episodes dedicated to explaining and exploring this complex yet fascinating aspect of quantum mechanics.

In the episode Just Another Really Good Episode with Brian Greene, theoretical physicist Brian Greene joins the hosts to discuss advanced concepts in physics, including the role of quantum entanglement in the fabric of spacetime. The episode Dark Matter & The Future of Life Beyond Earth | Alex Filippenko (Replay) features astronomer Alex Filippenko explaining the counterintuitive phenomenon of quantum entanglement and its implications. The The science behind the Staircase Project & season recap with 3 Body Problem's showrunners episode delves into the scientific basis and narrative significance of quantum entanglement as a central element in the Three Body Problem series.

Several other episodes, such as Cosmic Queries - Black Hole Time Cloak with Charles Liu and Cosmic Queries - Becoming Entangled, also explore the concept of quantum entanglement, its potential applications, and the ongoing efforts to reconcile it with other theories in physics.

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