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Topic: Recipe development

Recipe development involves the iterative process of creating, testing, and refining culinary recipes to achieve optimal flavor, texture, and presentation.

More on: Recipe development

The podcast episodes highlight the nuanced and meticulous approach to recipe development, showcasing the efforts of chefs, cookbook authors, and recipe developers to create high-quality recipes.

For example, the episode 'Molly Baz Has Confidence In Her Taste' details Molly Baz's systematic process for developing and testing recipes, including her approach to recipe formatting and design. Similarly, the episode 'Ep. 544: The Great MeatEater Outdoor Cooking Showdown' discusses the collaboration between the MeatEater team and professional recipe developers to refine recipes for their outdoor cooking cookbook.

The episode 'Anything's Pastable (Guest Episode)' provides an inside look at the painstaking effort of testing and perfecting recipes for Dan Pashman's first cookbook, highlighting the challenges and discoveries along the way.

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