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Topic: Refugee crisis

The refugee crisis refers to the global displacement of people, often due to conflict, persecution, or environmental factors, leading to humanitarian challenges and the need for international cooperation and assistance.

More on: Refugee crisis

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of the refugee crisis, including the experiences of individual refugees, the policy responses of governments, and the broader humanitarian and political implications.

Several episodes, such as 834: Yousef and the Fourth Move, The Intelligence: Britain's latest bad idea, and No Good Turn, delve into the difficult decisions and hardships faced by refugees as they flee conflict and seek safety.

Other episodes, like Israel seized control of the Rafah border crossing. The impact could be devastating and 15. Pushing back against xenophobia in South Korea, examine the role of governments and international organizations in responding to the refugee crisis and the political and social tensions that arise.

Overall, the podcast episodes provide a multi-faceted perspective on the refugee crisis, highlighting the human stories, policy debates, and broader geopolitical and humanitarian implications.

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