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Topic: Regulation

Regulation is the process of establishing rules, policies, and guidelines to govern the actions and conduct of individuals, organizations, and industries, often with the aim of promoting public welfare, fair competition, and responsible practices.

More on: Regulation

The topic of Regulation is central to many of the podcast episodes, as it explores how governments, regulatory agencies, and policy decisions impact various sectors, technologies, and societal issues.

The episodes cover a wide range of regulatory topics, from the oversight of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies Decoding AI: Rishi Sunak's call for action, to the regulation of industries such as the vaping industry How science could disrupt the gin industry and the telecommunications sector Welcome back, net neutrality.

Several episodes also delve into the challenges of regulating rapidly evolving and often opaque technologies, including the use of algorithms in healthcare decisions When a senior is ill, can an algorithm decide length of care? and concerns around data privacy and biometrics Amazon Wants Your Handprint.

The episodes further explore the influence of corporate lobbying and political dynamics on the regulatory landscape, as seen in discussions around the Ontario Securities Commission How science could disrupt the gin industry and the regulation of the tech industry Kara Swisher on Tech Billionaires: "I Don't Think They Like People".

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