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Topic: Regulation and Oversight

Effective regulation and oversight are crucial to ensuring responsible development and deployment of emerging technologies for the public good.

More on: Regulation and Oversight

The podcast episodes provided highlight the importance of proper regulation and oversight to address critical issues in diverse sectors, including aviation safety, the development of emerging technologies like AI and autonomous vehicles, as well as the oversight of medical treatments and products.

The episodes explore how the lack of regulation and oversight can lead to concerning practices, such as whistleblower allegations against Boeing Another bad day for Boeing, the unethical and deceptive practices in the donor insemination industry Ghost Father | Chapter 5, and the risks of unregulated AI development and misuse 547: The Genetic Arms Race | How CRISPR and AI Destroy the World.

The episodes emphasize the need for stricter regulations, public discourse, and regulatory guidance to ensure the responsible development and deployment of new technologies, as well as the protection of public safety and individual rights.

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