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Topic: Reincarnation

Reincarnation is the belief that the soul or consciousness of a person is reborn into a new body or form after death.

More on: Reincarnation

The podcast episodes provided cover the topic of reincarnation from a variety of perspectives, including personal experiences, spiritual beliefs, and historical/cultural contexts.

Several episodes feature discussions with psychics, mediums, and astrologers who share their insights on reincarnation, past lives, and the continuity of consciousness across lifetimes. For example, Sloan Bella: Mystical Mother and Astrology Breakdown: Ancient Science Of The Soul & Psyche w/ Debra Silverman explore reincarnation through the lens of their psychic and astrological expertise.

Other episodes, such as Pythagoras and 637: Soul Trappers, examine reincarnation from historical and metaphysical angles, delving into ancient philosophies and spiritual belief systems that incorporate the concept of rebirth.

The podcast also features episodes that take a more lighthearted or speculative approach to reincarnation, like Ranking Every Afterlife Theory..., which ranks different theories about the afterlife based on how 'cool' the host thinks they would be to experience.

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