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Topic: Relationship Boundaries

Relationship Boundaries are the limits and guidelines that partners establish to create a safe, healthy, and respectful dynamic within their relationship.

More on: Relationship Boundaries

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of relationship boundaries, highlighting the importance of setting and respecting these limits in various contexts.

For example, the episode 'Giving you bad makeup, boring nudes, and contacting ex's' discusses the need to establish boundaries around intimacy, video game habits, and contacting former partners, while 'Drawing the Line at Cheating' delves into the boundaries around infidelity and differing values within relationships.

Other episodes, such as 'My love language with friends is touch, but it makes my partner jealous. Help!' and 'Trying to Get Out of the Friend Zone w/ Tara Yummy - Dropouts #188', examine the boundaries between platonic and romantic relationships, as well as the challenges of navigating the 'friend zone'.

Collectively, these episodes emphasize the diverse ways in which relationship boundaries manifest and the importance of effectively communicating and respecting these limits to maintain healthy, fulfilling connections.

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