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Topic: Relationship with Food

Developing a healthy, balanced, and positive relationship with food that focuses on nourishment, pleasure, and well-being.

More on: Relationship with Food

The topic of "Relationship with Food" is central to the podcast episodes provided, which explore various aspects of how we can cultivate a healthier, more sustainable, and joy-filled approach to eating and our interactions with food.

In the episode "The Joy of Food," the host and guest discuss practical strategies for reframing our relationship with food, moving away from rigid labels of "good" and "bad" and instead finding balance between eating for pleasure and eating for fuel. The episode "S2 EP2: reframing body image & building body confidence" delves deeper into the emotional and psychological dimensions of our relationship with food, providing insights on intuitive eating, removing unhealthy labels, and building body confidence.

These podcast episodes offer a multifaceted perspective on the topic of Relationship with Food, highlighting the importance of mindfulness, self-acceptance, and a holistic approach to nourishing both our bodies and our overall well-being.

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