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Topic: Religious extremism

Religious extremism refers to the adoption of rigid, intolerant, and often fanatical beliefs and practices associated with a particular religion or religious denomination, often leading to social, political, or even violent actions.

More on: Religious extremism

The podcast episodes explore various historical and contemporary examples of religious extremism, demonstrating how such ideologies can lead to the suppression of individual rights, the persecution of minority groups, and the justification of atrocities.

From the Münster Rebellion of the 16th century The End of the Münster Rebellion to the anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric of modern Christian nationalism Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez FTW! & Glass-Steagall, the episodes highlight how religious extremism can take root and pose a threat to democracy and human rights.

The episodes also examine the intersection of religious extremism with other forms of oppression, such as the role of fundamentalist beliefs in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Fiery Israel-Palestine Debate with Bassem Youssef, the abuse of children in cults LSD Children Cult, and the suppression of women's rights by theocratic regimes #1533 How Theocracies Begin and End (Rise of the Far-Right + Demanding Women's Rights in Iran).

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