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Topic: Renewable Resources

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished or regenerated within a human lifetime, reducing our reliance on finite, non-renewable resources like fossil fuels.

More on: Renewable Resources

The podcast episodes discuss the need to shift away from non-renewable resources like petroleum and toward renewable materials like bioplastics, which are made from renewable feedstocks such as plant-based oils, corn, cassava, and beet pulp residue.

The episodes highlight how the use of renewable resources for bioplastics can have a positive impact on the environment, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and the associated environmental issues. The episodes also discuss the role of closed-loop systems and composting in making these renewable materials truly sustainable.

For example, in the episode Home Compostable Single Use Plastics with Raegan Kelly, the guest discusses the company's home-compostable PHBH bioplastic cups made from fermented seed oils and bacteria, which can be composted on-site in closed-loop venues. Similarly, the episode Bioplastics with Lauren Gropper covers the company's mission to replace single-use plastics with plant-based alternatives, highlighting the use of renewable resources like corn, cassava, and beet pulp residue as feedstocks.

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