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Topic: Reparenting

Reparenting is the process of healing from one's own childhood experiences to become a more effective and nurturing parent.

More on: Reparenting

The podcast episodes provided discuss the concept of 'reparenting' oneself as an important aspect of effective parenting and personal growth.

The episodes explore how the process of reparenting, or healing and nurturing one's own inner child, can help individuals overcome the impacts of childhood experiences and develop a healthier sense of self and relationships.

For example, episode Parenting: How to Nurture Yourself and Others delves into the idea of reparenting as a way to heal from one's own childhood experiences and become a more effective parent. Similarly, episode Introducing "Pop Culture Moms": New from ABC & GMA discusses the challenges of early motherhood and the realization that reparenting oneself can be a crucial part of the parenting journey.

Additionally, episode 3 KEYS to Healing Your Heart: Break Free from TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS & Find LOVE explores reparenting as a healing modality for recovering from toxic relationships and intergenerational trauma.

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