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Topic: Republican party

The Republican Party, one of the two major political parties in the United States, has undergone significant transformations and internal divisions in recent years, particularly under the influence of former President Donald Trump.

More on: Republican party

The podcast episodes provide extensive coverage of the current state and transformation of the Republican Party, with a focus on the party's shift towards a more populist and nationalist agenda under the leadership of Donald Trump.

Several episodes discuss the party's internal divisions and power struggles, including the role of figures like Steve Bannon in reshaping the Republican Party's identity How Prison Time Could Burnish Steve Bannon's MAGA Cred, the tensions between traditional and pro-Trump factions Overtime - Episode #662: Matt Welch, Abigail Shrier, and the party's response to Trump's legal troubles and efforts to overturn the 2020 election Will the Supreme Court Step Into Trump's Hush Money Conviction?.

The episodes also explore the Republican Party's positions on key issues like abortion rights Republicans soften stance abortion, 'abortion abolitionists' go farther, immigration Trump reignites Affordable Care Act battle, and foreign policy the Republican party's stance on Ukraine.

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