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Topic: Republican political tactics

Republican political tactics often involve obstructing and undermining their political opponents through means like impeachment attempts, voter suppression, and exploiting divisive rhetoric.

More on: Republican political tactics

The podcast episodes illustrate how Republican politicians have increasingly relied on political theater and manufactured outrage to score points with their base, rather than focusing on addressing the real issues facing the country.

For example, the hosts criticize Republican efforts to impeach officials like Mayorkas as misguided political stunts that are more about grandstanding than improving governance. Similarly, they highlight how Republican legislators in states like Wisconsin and Michigan have tried to limit the powers of newly elected Democratic governors, demonstrating a willingness to undermine democratic norms for partisan advantage.

The episodes also touch on how Republicans, including former President Trump, have abused the concept of 'presidential immunity' to avoid accountability for their actions, further eroding the rule of law.

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