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Topic: Residual Hauntings

Residual hauntings occur when paranormal energy or events become imprinted on an object or location, leaving behind an energetic trace that can be observed or experienced over time.

More on: Residual Hauntings

The podcast episodes provided discuss the concept of residual hauntings, where paranormal activities and events appear to be replayed or imprinted on a specific location or object, as opposed to more interactive ghost sightings.

In the RELOADED | 260: Ghosts, Aliens, Bigfoot, and Enoch episode, the potential for Carl's ghost sighting to be a residual haunting is analyzed and discussed. Similarly, the Ghost Stories? episode delves into residual hauntings at locations like Gettysburg, where events seem to play out repeatedly.

The The Witch's Guide To Haunted Objects - The Paranormal Podcast 827 episode also explores how objects can become haunted through a process of residual energy or events being imprinted on them.

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