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Topic: Resource allocation

Resource allocation is the process of assigning and prioritizing limited resources to maximize efficiency and achieve desired outcomes.

More on: Resource allocation

The topic of resource allocation is prominently featured across multiple episodes, as the podcast guests discuss challenges and strategies around allocating resources effectively.

For example, in the episode Advice Line with Brett Schulman of CAVA, the callers seek guidance on allocating their limited resources as they scale their businesses. Similarly, the episode Optimizing Kindness: AI's Role in Effective Altruism explores how AI can help identify the most efficient ways to distribute funds and efforts.

Other episodes, such as Double Down or Close it Down 5-29-24 and EPISODE 190- Reality Check: Lenovo's GM of XR & Metaverse Vishal Shah on Balancing Innovation with Profitability, discuss strategies for prioritizing and allocating resources to support business growth and new product development.

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