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Topic: Resource efficiency

Resource efficiency is the practice of using resources, such as materials, energy, and water, in a sustainable and responsible manner to minimize waste and environmental impact.

More on: Resource efficiency

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of resource efficiency from various angles, including how it relates to the decline of the American steel industry, the circular economy, and initiatives to encourage more sustainable habits and practices.

For example, the episode How Big Steel in the U.S. fell chronicles how the established steel companies resisted innovation and new technologies, allowing a smaller upstart, Nucor, to disrupt the industry with a more efficient 'mini mill' approach. Meanwhile, episodes like Ep. 142: DIY Ideas to Fight Climate Change and several from the 'Getting In the Loop' podcast explore how principles of behavioral psychology and community-based initiatives can motivate people to develop more resource-efficient habits and choices.

The 'Getting In the Loop' podcast episodes in particular delve deeply into the circular economy and its role in promoting resource efficiency through topics such as sustainable product design, policy incentives, and supply chain transparency.

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