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Topic: Resource Scarcity

Resource scarcity refers to the shortage or depletion of essential natural resources, such as water, energy, and raw materials, which can have significant impact on human society and the environment.

More on: Resource Scarcity

The podcast episodes touch on the issue of resource scarcity in various ways, highlighting its importance and the need to address it through different approaches.

For example, the episode on The Marginal Revolution discusses how the concept of scarcity and marginal utility influenced the development of economic theory, while the episode on 12 predictions for the future of technology explores how technology can help solve resource scarcity problems.

The episode on How Zero Population Growth Works delves into the potential scarcity of resources like food, water, and energy due to overpopulation, while the episode on Weighing the Impacts of Critical Mineral Mining focuses on the challenges of securing adequate supplies of critical minerals for the energy transition.

Finally, the episodes from the Getting In the Loop podcast examine resource scarcity from the perspective of the circular economy, exploring ways to keep resources in a loop and reduce waste.

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