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Topic: Responsibilities

Responsibilities refer to the duties, tasks, and obligations that individuals or organizations have to fulfill in order to achieve specific goals or meet certain expectations.

More on: Responsibilities

The topic of responsibilities is prominently featured in the podcast episodes provided, with each episode exploring different facets of this broad concept.

The first episode, The Hamilton Guide to Taking Over the World (preview), discusses taking on real responsibilities and measurable outcomes as a way to distinguish oneself and demonstrate capabilities, drawing parallels to the life of Alexander Hamilton.

The second episode, Childhood Vs. Adulthood..., contrasts the increased responsibilities of adulthood, such as taxes, childcare, building credit, and household chores, with the freedoms of childhood.

The third episode, EP 84: Double-Edged Sword of Vulnerability Pt 2 (Ft. The 85 South Show), explores the various responsibilities and obligations that come with being in a committed relationship, highlighting the importance of vulnerability, trust, and discernment.

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