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Topic: Rhetoric

Rhetoric is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.

More on: Rhetoric

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of rhetoric, from its historical role in ancient Greek philosophy and literature to its modern uses in political discourse, environmental communication, and social commentary.

Several episodes explore the nature of rhetoric, its relationship to truth and knowledge, and the Socratic method of questioning and debate, as seen in Plato's dialogues such as Protagoras, Phaedrus, Ion, and Gorgias.

Other episodes delve into the rhetorical elements and strategies employed in works of literature and drama, like Shakespeare's Coriolanus, as well as the use of rhetoric in more contemporary contexts, such as environmental advocacy (Mourning in the Anthropocene) and political commentary (How To Be A Supercommunicator, Ep 159 - Misanthropy is a Death Cult!).

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