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Topic: Rich life vision

Envision your specific desired lifestyle and level of wealth/luxury in vivid detail to achieve financial freedom and a 'rich life'.

More on: Rich life vision

The concept of 'rich life vision' is a key theme across the podcast episodes, where the host Ramit Sethi encourages guests to deeply envision and articulate their specific desired lifestyle and level of wealth or luxury.

For example, in "I work & watch my infant FT b/c we can't afford childcare", Ramit emphasizes the importance of defining a clear vision of an ideal future wealthy life in alignment with one's values. Similarly, in "I maxed out my credit cards on our $45k wedding. Are we broke?", Ramit guides the guests to create a shared 'rich life vision' and work together methodically towards their financial goals.

The 'Moment 148: Guarantee Financial Freedom!' episode from The Diary of a CEO podcast further reinforces this concept, with Ramit stating that people need to think about their potential future 'rich life' deeply and in vivid detail in order to truly envision it.

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