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Topic: Ride-sharing Services

Ride-sharing services are technology-enabled platforms that connect passengers with drivers for on-demand transportation, often disrupting traditional taxi and public transit models.

More on: Ride-sharing Services

The provided podcast episodes explore various aspects of ride-sharing services, including their impact on user experience, behavioral science principles used in their design, and the broader implications for the transportation sector.

For example, episode Part One - How Uber Used Psychology to Perfect Its Experience discusses how Uber utilized behavioral science principles to create an engaging and user-friendly experience, contributing to its early success and customer retention.

Another episode, Is Money Really the Best Measure of Value? with Mohammad Akbarpour, examines how Akbarpour's research on non-market allocation mechanisms could apply to differential pricing for Uber/Lyft drivers and riders.

The implications of ride-sharing services on transportation infrastructure, congestion, fuel consumption, and emissions are also explored in [Episode #75] - Transportation Transition.

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