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Topic: Risk

Risk is the potential for unfavorable outcomes or losses, often involving uncertainty, that can impact individuals, organizations, and society.

More on: Risk

The topic of risk is woven throughout the podcast episodes, as the hosts and guests delve into the nuances of risk-taking, risk management, and the impact of risk on various industries and personal endeavors.

In episode 3 Key Considerations in Private Equity for Founders and Companies 7-1-24, the discussion revolves around the risks and trade-offs that founders must navigate when accepting private equity investment, such as the impact on product integrity and the balance between client support and revenue growth.

The investigation in episode Introducing: Drowning Creek carries real risks for the host, as indicated by the ominous warning given, highlighting the dangers that can come with delving into unsolved cases.

In episode How the Government Is Ruining Capitalism, the concept of risk and the socialization of risk are discussed extensively as contributing factors to the distortion of capitalism.

The inherent risk involved in attempting groundbreaking skateboarding tricks is an underlying topic throughout episode Tony Hawk and the Trick That Changed Everything.

Differing perspectives on risk tolerance and time horizons are examined in episode #746 - Morgan Housel - 12 Unexpected Laws Of Human Psychology.

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