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Topic: Ritual

Ritual is a series of actions or behaviors performed in a particular order, often with symbolic or spiritual significance, and can play a crucial role in human culture and community.

More on: Ritual

The podcast episodes provided explore ritual from a range of perspectives, highlighting its role in cultivating spiritual and communal connection, as well as its relationship to altered states of consciousness, mythology, and the human need for ecstatic experience.

Several episodes, such as All of My Lessons Come in the Form of a Sound and Mapping The Mystic: Geographies of Ecstasy in Consciousness and Culture, focus on the significance of ritual practices involving sound, mantra, and other embodied techniques for attuning to sacred vibrations and mystic states. Other episodes, like The Revolution Will Not Be Psychologized, Part 2 and The Revolution Will Not Be Psychologized, position traditional rituals and animist worldviews as alternatives to the individualistic frameworks of Western psychology.

The role of ritual in creating community, marking rites of passage, and navigating grief and mortality is also explored, as seen in God, Death, and the Pandemic and Reissue: How Trance States Shape the World.

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