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Topic: Rock climbing

Rock climbing is an outdoor sport that involves scaling natural or artificial rock formations, requiring physical strength, agility, and problem-solving skills.

More on: Rock climbing

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of rock climbing, from personal experiences and perspectives to the broader cultural and thematic significance of the sport.

For example, the episode Dangling off a Granite Cliff: Teenager Runs for Help focuses on a harrowing rock climbing incident in the Idaho wilderness, highlighting the dangers and challenges of the sport, as well as the importance of resilience and survival skills in emergency situations.

The episode To do hard things, be adaptable, by Alex Honnold features renowned rock climber Alex Honnold discussing the mental and physical aspects of the sport, including the need for adaptability and perseverance when tackling difficult climbs.

Other episodes, such as 28. [Excerpt] The Coda: We may fall but we keep climbing and Jenna Johnson: Hope is Companies Leading Solutions and Lifting Up Voices for Change, explore the metaphorical and inspirational qualities of rock climbing, as well as its connections to broader themes like environmental activism and personal growth.

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