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Topic: Role models

Role models are individuals who inspire and guide others through their own actions, values, and achievements.

More on: Role models

The topic of role models is extensively covered across the podcast episodes, as the hosts and guests emphasize the importance of having inspiring figures to look up to and learn from.

Several episodes discuss the need for diverse and relatable role models, particularly for young people, in order to foster personal growth, self-discovery, and a sense of purpose. Examples include 9 Strategies to Pursue Your Purpose, We All Carry A Debt (Will We Repay?) | Role Models, and Employing Your Experiences - Part 2.

Other episodes highlight specific individuals who serve as role models, such as entrepreneurs like Raegan Moya-Jones, scientists like Jane Goodall, and public figures like "Barack Is My Home" with Oprah Winfrey. The hosts and guests explore how these role models have inspired and influenced their lives and the lives of others.

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