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Topic: Rules of war

The rules of war establish legal frameworks governing the conduct of armed conflict, including the Geneva Conventions and the laws of armed conflict.

More on: Rules of war

The topic of 'Rules of War' encompasses the legal frameworks and principles that govern the conduct of armed conflict, such as the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law.

This topic is directly related to the podcast episodes provided, as both episodes discuss aspects of the rules of war. The episode 'The Rules of War' from The Daily podcast focuses extensively on explaining the principles and legal frameworks governing the laws of armed conflict, including the arguments made at the International Court of Justice regarding alleged violations of these rules. Similarly, the episode 'S04 - Trailer' from the Serial podcast discusses how the policies and practices at Guantanamo Bay represented a departure from established rules for the treatment of prisoners of war.

Both of these episodes provide helpful context and examples related to the broader topic of the rules of war.

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