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Topic: Russian intelligence services

Russian intelligence services are a powerful and secretive arm of the Russian state, engaging in covert operations, surveillance, and even assassination to maintain control and influence both domestically and globally.

More on: Russian intelligence services

The podcast episodes 'To Die For' provide a detailed look into the inner workings, methods, and practices of Russian intelligence agencies like the KGB, FSB, and Federal Drug Control Service.

The episodes feature the purported experiences of a self-described 'sex spy' named Aliia Roza, who claims to have been trained and employed by these agencies. The episodes delve into topics such as the use of poisons and toxins Kompromat, the exploitation of sexual relationships for espionage License to Kill, and the indoctrination and dehumanization of intelligence operatives.

These episodes offer a rare, if controversial, glimpse into the shadowy world of Russian intelligence and the tactics they employ to maintain power and influence.

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