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Topic: Sacrifice and atonement

Sacrifice and atonement refer to the belief that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross serves as the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of humanity's relationship with God.

More on: Sacrifice and atonement

The topic of sacrifice and atonement is a central theme in the podcast episodes, as they explore the significance of Jesus's death on the cross and how it serves as the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.

In the episode Ep 914 | Phil's Wild-Eyed, Barefoot Run from the Law & Jase Is Accused of Turning into Si, the discussion focuses on the paradoxical concept of surrender to the Lord being triumph in the Lord, as well as the literal definition of hell and how Satan came to be there. The episode also delves into the significance of Jesus's sacrifice on the cross to atone for sin and reconcile humanity to God.

Similarly, in the episode Day 142: Whole and Joyful Hearts (2024), the topic of David's sacrifices and construction of an altar to atone for his sin is highlighted, drawing a parallel to Jesus's ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

The episode Day 105: It Is Finished (2024) further explores the connection between the Paschal lamb and Jesus, as well as the connection between the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, emphasizing the central role of sacrifice and atonement in the Christian faith.

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