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Topic: Salary negotiation

Salary negotiation is the process of discussing and agreeing on the compensation for a job or role, focusing on communicating one's value and self-worth to secure fair and competitive pay.

More on: Salary negotiation

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of salary negotiation, including practical tips, strategies, and the importance of this skill for long-term wealth building.

Several episodes dive deep into techniques for successfully negotiating a new job offer or a raise at one's current job, such as How to Negotiate Your New Job Offer to Get The Most Money and Benefits!, How to Negotiate Your Salary and Get a Raise (The Step-By-Step System!), and Say This When Asking For a Raise- According to Bozoma Saint John.

The episodes also highlight the compounding effect of salary increases over time and the significant impact negotiation can have on one's long-term financial well-being, as discussed in The Million Dollar Money Decisions You Should Focus On.

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