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Topic: Saving and investing

Saving and investing are essential for building long-term financial security and achieving personal financial goals.

More on: Saving and investing

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of saving and investing, including building emergency funds, saving for specific goals like a home or retirement, and utilizing tax-advantaged investment vehicles.

For example, the episode Debt Does Not Add Peace to Your Life discusses the importance of building an emergency fund and saving for major purchases, while the episode Moment 148: Guarantee Financial Freedom! The 4 Numbers You NEED To Be Tracking: Ramit Sethi emphasizes the need to track specific spending and saving ratios to align finances with personal goals.

The episodes also touch on the benefits of consistent, long-term investing, as seen in the advice provided in When You Play the Game of Debt You Lose Every Time and Office Hours: Why Scott Doesn't Have Health Insurance, How Gen Z and Millenials Can Accrue Wealth, and What Scott Does to Stay Healthy.

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