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Topic: Science and Technology

Science and Technology encompasses the ever-evolving fields of scientific discovery, technological innovation, and their profound impact on society, culture, and the human condition.

More on: Science and Technology

The collection of podcast episodes explores the intersection of science, technology, and their real-world applications, showcasing the latest advancements and their potential impact on various aspects of society.

From advancements in agricultural technology that could transform food production A scientific breakthrough that could transform how we produce food | David Friedberg, to the development of innovative biotechnology tools for medical research and diagnostics Meet the man who combines science, technology and magic to understand proteins, these episodes delve into the scientific and technological breakthroughs that are shaping our future.

The episodes also touch on the societal implications of these advancements, such as the ethical considerations around emerging technologies 204. Should we be thinking about kids in our 20s?, and the potential for scientific research to address global issues like climate change and energy production Musk's xAI Raises $6B, Internet Archive DDoS Attack, GPT-4 Outperforms Analysts, Crows Count, and New Biology Rulle.

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