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Topic: Scientific collaboration

Scientific collaboration is the joint effort of researchers from different disciplines or institutions to advance knowledge and solve complex problems.

More on: Scientific collaboration

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of scientific collaboration, with researchers from various fields coming together to tackle scientific challenges and make new discoveries.

Examples of collaboration are seen in episodes such as Could '3 Body Problem's Aliens Exist? The Science Behind Netflix's New Hit, which praises the series' depiction of multiple characters working together, SYMHC Classics: Radioiodine Therapy, which emphasizes the importance of collaboration between physics and medicine, and Low-Mass Mania with Emily Rice, which exemplifies the cross-pollination of ideas from different specialties in astronomy.

Other episodes, such as The eclipse chasers, The Tale of the Snail Slime Wrangler, and Ep. 68: Scaling Mountains to Ban Toxic Chemicals in Pajamas, also highlight the collaborative nature of scientific research, showcasing partnerships between researchers, field workers, and industry.

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