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Topic: Scientific Experimentation

Scientific experimentation is a systematic process of testing hypotheses and gathering empirical evidence to further our understanding of the natural world.

More on: Scientific Experimentation

The podcast episodes provided showcase various examples of scientific experimentation and its role in expanding our knowledge of the world.

For instance, the episode 'No Such Thing As The Farto Phone' discusses the scientific experiments and research conducted by figures like J.B.S. Haldane and Helen Spurway, particularly in the areas of human physiology, genetics, and the effects of high pressure and oxygen levels.

The episode 'Letters in the Attic by Erutious' represents the potential unintended consequences of pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge, as the inciting incident stems from a scientific experiment with time travel.

The episode 'A universal virus-killer?' highlights the importance of scientific experimentation, using the example of the Wells' experiments in the 1930s and the potential of low wavelength UV light to challenge current consensus.

Similarly, the episode 'How did ferns survive the dinosaur extinction?' discusses the greenhouse experiment conducted by scientists to recreate the post-asteroid conditions and study how different plants, including ferns, responded.

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