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Topic: Search engines

Search engines are software applications that allow users to search the internet for information, websites, and resources by entering keywords or phrases.

More on: Search engines

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of search engines, particularly the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on their evolution and functionality.

Several episodes discuss how AI-powered features like summarization, knowledge retrieval, and multimodal search are being integrated into search engines, and the potential disruptive effects on the existing search landscape, content creation, and the open internet. Examples include Google's Sundar Pichai on AI-powered search, the impact of Google's AI summarization, and the rise of AI-generated content and its implications for search engines.

The episodes also explore alternative search engine models, such as's focus on direct answers and specialized search engines like Scryfall for Magic: The Gathering, as well as the competitive dynamics between tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Meta in the search space.

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