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Topic: Seeking advice

Seeking advice from experienced mentors and experts can unlock valuable insights and help overcome challenges, whether in entrepreneurship, personal relationships, or personal growth.

More on: Seeking advice

The podcast episodes examined highlight the importance of seeking advice and perspectives from others, whether it's callers reaching out to the hosts for guidance on personal issues, startup founders seeking advice to improve their businesses, or individuals looking to make important life decisions.

For example, the episode '91: I Talk You Talk with Jameela Jamil' from the 'We're Here to Help' podcast shows how callers to the show are seeking external viewpoints and advice to address their personal challenges. The episode 'Why Do 99% of Founders Suck at Asking for Help?' from the 'Startup Therapy' podcast emphasizes the value that startup founders can gain by actively seeking advice and guidance from experienced individuals.

Across the various episodes, the common theme is the benefits of being open-minded and willing to seek advice and perspectives from others, rather than trying to navigate challenges alone.

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