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Topic: Self Efficacy

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their own ability to accomplish tasks and overcome challenges.

More on: Self Efficacy

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of self-efficacy in the context of anxiety, stress responses, and mental health.

In Understanding the "Flight" Response: Anxiety, Avoidance, and Feeling Safe, the importance of building self-efficacy is emphasized as a key factor in developing a healthier relationship with anxiety and avoidance.

The episode #774 - Abigail Shrier - Debating Modern Therapy Culture & Gen Z also touches on the role of self-efficacy in resilience and mental health, arguing for a shift towards fostering self-trust and the ability to overcome challenges.

Similarly, in Managing the Freeze Response: Dissociation, Emotional Shutdown, and Creating Safety, the perceived lack of self-efficacy is identified as a contributing factor to the 'freeze' stress response, and strategies for cultivating inner strengths and a sense of self as a source of safety are discussed.

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