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Topic: Self-knowledge

Self-knowledge is the awareness and understanding of one's own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which is crucial for personal growth, decision-making, and living an authentic life.

More on: Self-knowledge

The podcast episodes explore the importance of self-knowledge, emphasizing that a deeper understanding of one's true self, values, and motivations is essential for personal growth, effective decision-making, and meaningful relationships.

Several episodes, such as 1152: from "The Crystal Text" by Clark Coolidge, Best Of: Conscious, Casual Sex, and Dr. E.J. Chichilnisky: How the Brain Works, Curing Blindness & How to Navigate a Career Path, highlight the role of self-knowledge in areas like art, sexuality, and career development.

Other episodes, such as More Happier: Happiness of Hiking, a Big Announcement & Can You Make Yourself Interested? and REMASTERED: Better Than Before: How To Change Your Habits, with Gretchen Rubin (Behavior, Productivity, Goal Setting, Self Improvement), explore how self-understanding can help individuals develop healthier habits, find genuine interests, and navigate significant life transitions.

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