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Topic: Self-Mastery

Self-Mastery is the ability to control one's thoughts, emotions, and actions to achieve freedom and power over one's circumstances.

More on: Self-Mastery

The podcast episodes explore the Stoic principles of self-mastery, inner freedom, and emotional resilience as the means to transcend external circumstances and achieve a greater sense of sovereignty.

Key themes include mastering one's thoughts, impulses, and reactions through techniques like the 'Supermind Codes', the value of 'treats' over rewards in habit formation as Gretchen Rubin explains, and the Stoic wisdom of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius on finding inner freedom and #7152.

The episodes also highlight how self-mastery and a calm, focused mindset are essential for effective leadership, negotiation, and dealing with adversity, as exemplified by the experiences of William Ury and the example of Marcus Aurelius.

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