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Topic: Sexism

Sexism is the discrimination, prejudice, or stereotyping of individuals based on their gender, often resulting in unfair treatment, limited opportunities, and perpetuation of harmful power imbalances.

More on: Sexism

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of sexism, including the potential increase in sexist attitudes among some young men, the prevalence of sexist language and treatment of women, and the historical and ongoing challenges women have faced in sports and other domains due to sexist biases.

For example, the episode "Are Young Men Becoming More Sexist?" delves into research on why some young men may be turning against egalitarianism, while "Listen Bitch! The Patriarchy (Lite)" discusses instances and examples of sexist attitudes and language. The episode "The Battle of the Sexes with Julie Kliegman" examines the sexist discrimination women in sports have faced and how the famous tennis match challenged these perceptions.

The episodes highlight how sexism manifests in various cultural, social, and institutional contexts, and the need to understand and address these issues.

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