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Topic: Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment refers to any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

More on: Sexual harassment

The topic of sexual harassment is discussed extensively across the various podcast episodes, with several examples of high-profile cases and their consequences.

For instance, the episodes examine the allegations of sexual misconduct against Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, as well as the sexual harassment investigations at organizations like the FDIC and Christianity Today magazine. Elon Musk's Unusual Relationships With Women at SpaceX, A "good ol' boys" culture at the FDIC, and Special Episode: CT Reports on Itself all delve into these issues.

The episodes also cover broader themes related to sexual harassment, such as the role of power dynamics in the workplace, the challenges survivors face in reporting misconduct, and the need for meaningful accountability and cultural change within organizations.

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