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Topic: Sexual Immorality

Sexual immorality refers to any sexual activity outside of the confines of a committed, monogamous marriage, and is considered a violation of God's design for human sexuality.

More on: Sexual Immorality

The podcast episodes discuss sexual immorality in the context of broader spiritual, social, and political themes.

Episode Witches, Aliens, and New Age w/ Jac Marino Chen references the protagonist's involvement in 'tantric yoga and other impure practices' during her occult involvement, highlighting the connection between sexual sin and dark spiritual forces.

Episode Ep. 1174 - Don't Worry, Be Miserable condemns modern society's embrace of sexual freedom without responsibility, arguing that it promotes misery.

Episode Vampires: The Life Is In The Blood explores how ancient vampire myths symbolically connect vampirism to sexual sin as a force that exploits and drains life essence.

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