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Topic: Shipping industry

The shipping industry is a crucial component of global trade, responsible for the transportation of goods and commodities around the world.

More on: Shipping industry

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to the shipping industry, including innovations in technology, regulations, environmental impact, supply chain disruptions, and economic factors.

For example, the episodes discuss the adoption of wind-assisted propulsion technologies to reduce emissions Heir tight: why boomers are so stingy and Heir tight: why boomers are so stingy, as well as the potential of ammonia as a clean energy fuel source for the shipping industry Startup Series: Unlocking Ammonia as Energy with Amogy.

The episodes also touch on the fragility of the global supply chain and the impact of disruptions, such as the container ship crash in Baltimore Sal Mercogliano on the Baltimore Bridge Collapse and the water shortage at the Panama Canal Panama Canal: It's running dry and it's going to cost us.

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